Minutes of the 48th Annual General
at St Mary’s Centre Monday 20th November 2023
(To be approved at the 2024 AGM)
Brian Rodgers (Chair). John Docherty (Secretary). Anne Hall (Vice Chair/ Rent Officer).
Desbina Antoniou (Treasurer). John Austin (Committee). Steve Lockless (Committee). Rod Devaney Committee). Geraldine Whitehead (Committee).
Plot holders attending numbered 31 (including committee members).
Apologies- Fiona Smith, Nick Forsyth,
Ian Twyford.
The meeting opened at 7.30pm.
Chairman’s opening remarks
- Brian welcomed everyone for attending.
- One minutes silence was observed to remember those we have lost since the last AGM.
- Brian thanked John Docherty and the rest of the committee for their excellent work over the last year.
- We currently have 8 committee members and can have up to 9. So, we have 1 vacancy.
- Request was made for additional committee member to join the committee. If interested, please contact any committee member.
- Volunteers to help the committee always welcome.
- 4 committee members will reach the end of their 2nd session at the end Oct 2024. The constitution prohibits a 3rd session. To be
discussed at AOB.
- Thanks to Neil Chisman and Michael Groake for their previous committee work.
- Any items for AOB? – None.
47th AGM 2022 –
- Matters from the floor – none.
- Approval of the 47th AGM minutes - resolution unanimously approved.
- Minutes signed by Chairman.
Chairman’s Report – this report has been sent to all plot holders.
- Matters from the floor - none.
Treasurer’s Report – this report and financial accounts has been sent to all plot
- Matters from the floor – none.
- Desbina thanks Dave Suter for his support and authorizing the annual accounts.
Rent Officer’s Report – this report has been sent to all plot holders.
- Matters from the floor – none.
- The waiting list is now 30 down from 35.
- Russ Marsden-Sear introduced himself as a FAGS plot holder and the Chair of the Felpham Parish Council.
- Russ advised that the FAGS annual rent next year will increase by 4.8% (subject to final approval).
- Russ advised that the Council are investigating a new allotment site in Felpham. – should reduce FAGS waiting list.
To discuss and approve the Annual rent for 2024/2025.
- The committee proposed increasing the rent to £64 full plot, £32 half plot and £16 quarter plot. – small increase to cover rent, utilities, and maintenance etc.
- A discussion took place.
- We are one of the cheapest sites in the area.
- A vote was taken – unanimously approved.
- Resolution approved – this increase will take place in October 2024.
AOB – the following topics were discussed:
- Site security –
- John Docherty explained the history of the recent thefts of produce and tools escalating to shed break-ins. Thefts have been reported to the police and an insurance claim for the FAGS mower is
being pursued.
- Brian explained site security is difficult – if someone wants to get in, they can.
- CCTV is an option. We have contacted a security company and have received a quote for £1245. Exact details of the quote are confidential for obvious reasons.
- Russ explained that the Council have two allotment sites:
- St Michaels which is run by the Council – have had break-ins and will be changing their locks.
- FAGS allotments are self-managed – Council are extremely impressed with the management of these allotments.
- Council may consider a contribution to CCTV. – Brian to make an application for Council consideration.
- Other options to consider.
- Passive light
- Make gates higher.
- Paint your tools.
- Remove “Mower Shed” signage.
- What is the risk of thefts happening again.
- CCTV installation – a vote was taken, and majority approved to proceed.
- Manure arrangements –
- Cost of manure has increased over the years - a load now costs £50.
- Cost of manure will increase to £2 per wheelbarrow upon next delivery.
- Recently we had 2 loads delivered £100 but only recovered £57 from plot holders.
- Payment by bank transfer is preferred.
- Suggestion to use envelopes with plot holders’ details when using the honesty box.
- Steve advised that it is very difficult to make contact with John the manure man. He is the only local supplier who will deliver.
- Shreddings are free.
- Sterilised woodchip from Arundel - Brian to arrange next delivery.
- Dogs on site -
- A plot holder asked if it was possible to bring a dog onto the allotments.
- Felpham parish council rules are no dogs allowed on site.
- John Docherty contacted the council to ask for clarification on the rules.
- The question was discussed at council meeting held 10th October 2023
- Councillors agreed that the current rules must be adhered to.
- 2x plot holders have been authorised to walk their dogs through the allotments at the end of the day. This is a temporary security arrangement due to the recent break ins.
- Grass access paths -
- Paths should not be less than 2ft wide.
- Food bank collection -
- Jane Walters gave us an update on the food collection project that she has brilliantly organised this year. Feedback from the local Bognor food bank has been fantastic.
- The donations of spare produce from FAGS plot holders has been incredible.
- Jane has volunteered to run the project again next year. Jane is looking for a deputy who could look after the project when she is not available (sickness, holiday etc)
- Many thanks to Jane and everyone who has donated produce.
- Rod Devaney is the liaison officer for the Community Payback plot. Again, the produce that has been grown on this plot has been fantastic. Big thanks to Rod and the team.
- Change to the Constitution.
- As minuted earlier - the constitution prohibits Committee members from standing for more than 2 sessions (a session is 3 years).
- A proposal was made by Colin Davis and seconded by Rod Devaney to relax this clause and enable Committee members to undertake a 3rd session.
- A vote was taken – unanimously approved.
- Constitution to be amended.
Meeting closed at 8.39pm.
Refreshments followed.
On behalf of the Committee
John Docherty.
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